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Pranayama: The Art and Science

H. Nagendra (Author)

It is an Art and Science is an essential part of yoga practice. It is the Science of cleansing, balancing life force- "Prana" in the Human system.

This book brings out the tradition Science, Research and safe practice methods of Pranayama based on the twenty years of practical and applied research.

A unique and useful book for all readers and yoga practitioners, to have scientific understanding of ancient tradition of Pranayama in the light of modern research.

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Bibliographic information

Title Pranayama: The Art and Science
Author H. Nagendra
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2005
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 8187313072
length 130p., Illustrations; B/W Figures; 8.6" X 5.5"