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Mahabodhi The Great Buddhist Temple

Alexander Cunningham (Author)

Marking the spot of Buddha's enlightenment, Bodhgaya is greatly revered by Buddhists, especially for the bodhi tree beneath which the Master sat in Meditation. After the death of Buddha, Bodhgaya flourished as an important religious center and numerous shrines, stupas and monasteries were erected. The site continued to attract pilgrims and was only abandoned in the 15th century.

The Revival of interest in Bodhgaya began in 1802, when the Burmese sent a mission there. It soon attracted the attention of British administrators as well. Francis Buchanan-Hamilton visited the site in 1811, and published a report in 1836. Alexander Cunningham first visited the site in 1811, and published a report in 1836. Alexander Cunningham first visited the site in 861, and recommended that excavations be conducted. These were undertaken my major Mead in 1863, but no report was published, Cunningham returned to Bodhgaya in 1871, and then published a comprehensive report. Between 1875 and 1880, the British government in co-operation with the Burmese mission, began to repair the site thoroughly.

The remains of Bodhgaya date from as early as the Maurya and Shunga eras, as wells as from later Gupta and Pala periods. The site is dominated by the soaring tower of the Mahabodhi temple, which is built in front of the Bodhi tree. The temple is one of the important monuments of ancient India and has been frought with controversy, since the late 19th century, when restorations gave it its present form. Built over earlier temple, it stands on the site of the Buddha's enlightenment and is the sole survivor of monumental brick traditions in eastern India. The temple is surrounded by a stone railing and innumerable votive stupas and several shrines.

Present work first published in 1892, is a detailed report of Alexander Cunningham's visit to the temple in 1881, and describes in detail the important discoveries by him.

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About the author

Alexander Cunningham

Sir Alexander Cunningham (1814-1893) was the first Archaeological Surveyor to the Government of India (1861-1865), the department was abolished in 1865, but revived in 1870, with Cunningham as Director, he held the post until he retired in 1885. Apart from his official reports of his annual tours and his occasional contribution to the Asiatic Society of Bengal, he wrote on Ladakh; The Bhilsa Topes; The Ancient Geography of Inscriptions of Ashoka; The Stupa of Bharhut; The Book of Indian Eras; Mahabodhi; Coins of Mediaeval India; Coins of Indo-Scythian Sakas and Kush; Coins of Alexander’s Successors in the East.

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Bibliographic information

Title Mahabodhi The Great Buddhist Temple
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2013
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 97881215081131
length 97p., B/W Illustrations 31; 11.5" X 8.8"