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English-Pali Dictionary

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera (Author)

Here is a reprint of the English-Pali Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera published long ago by the Pali Text Society in Roman script. This publication was then considered a notable event in the life of the Society, for it was a great improvement on a similar earlier work by Venerable W. Piyatissa whose usefulness was reduced for the English-speaking readers by the Pali words being given in Sinhalese script. This is a considerable enlarged form of a concise English-Pali Dictionary compiled by the present author during the Second World War. The author has coined many new words and has given more than one Pali word for some English verbs which do not exist in the ancient languages like Pali. This dictionary, though not an exhaustive one, has proved much useful to the scholars of the Pali language as it presents well chosen material in a single volume of a manageable size.

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Bibliographic information

Title English-Pali Dictionary
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2007
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788120806061
length 601p., 8.8" X 5.8"