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The Penguin Companion to the Mahabharata

Bishnupada Chakravarty (Author) Debjani Banerjee (Translator)

The Mahabharata is one of India's most revered epics – a transcendental, monumental literary and spiritual narrative with contemporary resonance.

One of the founding epics of Indian culture, the Mahabharata is transfused with ancient Indian wisdom. It is the foremost reference for classical Indian civilization and has great influence on Indian and South-East Asian religion, art, literature and popular culture. As its core, it tells the story of an apocalyptic eighteen-day war for territorial power which pitted brothers against brothers and sons against fathers, ended one age and began another. The epic's spiritual message unfolds through the many digressions and subplots of the story which presents sweeping visions of the universe and captivating glimpses of divinity. The Mahabharata also introduces one of Hinduism's most well-loved gods, Krishna, whose religio-philosophic discourse on the four human goals-kama, artha, dharma and moksha-is contained in the most important Hindu text, the Gita.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Penguin Companion to the Mahabharata
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2007
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 0143102087
length 144p., 7.8" X 5.0"