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Climate Variability: Issues and Perspectives for Bangladesh

S. Dara Shamsuddin (Editor) Rafique Ahmed (Editor) Raunaq Jahan (Editor)

This compendium of fourteen papers attempts to examine the various aspects of climate variability in Bangladesh. Explaining the basic concepts related to weather, climate, climate variability and climate change, it discusses at length the variability of temperature and rainfall and its connection with distant climatic phenomena.

Further it examines some of the extreme climatic events such as extreme rainfall, tropical cyclones and pre-monsoon thunderstorms. Finally it analyses the impacts of climatic events that impinge on human life and livelihood in Bangladesh.

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Bibliographic information

Title Climate Variability: Issues and Perspectives for Bangladesh
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2015
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher Shahitya Prakash
Language: English
isbn 9847012402184
length 211p., 2 Pages; Illustrations; Colour; Maps