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Nation First: Essays in the Politics of Ancient Indian Studies (Including an Analysis of the CAG Report on the Archaeological Survey of India)

Dilip K. Chakrabarti (Author)

The book explores various ground realities of the ancient historical and archaeological research in India through some essays and reviews. These realities turn out to be harsh and often demeaning to the nation, but the Indian archaeologists and ancient historians, if they want to serve the nation in any way, should be mindful of this harsh present and play their own parts in changing the situation. These essays and reviews have been mostly published in various scattered places, and one hopes that their publication in a compact form will highlight the issues they have been concerned with.

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About the author

Dilip K. Chakrabarti

Dilip K. Chakrabarti is currently Professor of South Asian Archaeology at Cambridge University. He taught at the universities of Calcutta (1965-77). He taught at the universities of Calcutta (1965-77), Delhi (1977-90), Visvabharati (1980-1) and Jahangirnagar (1988-90), before moving to Cambridge in 1990. He participated in a number of Indian excavations and did some fieldwork in Iran before 1980, but the major focus of his fieldwork since 1980 has been a series of surveys: Kangra Valley (1980), Chotanagpur plateau (1981-7), Bangladesh (1988-90), the Ganga-Yamuna plain from the mouth of the bhagirathi to the hills of Uttaranchal (1991-2001 and 2002-5), the routes linking the Ganga plain with the Deccan (1999-2002) and the ancient routs of the Deccan and the south (2004-6). He is perhaps the only archaeologist to have surveyed the Chotanagpur plateau as a whole. His historical geographic survey of the Ganga plain is the first survey of its kind after the nineteenth century surveys by Alexander Cunningham and his associates. He has also opened up the study of the ancient routes as a branch of enquiry in Indian archaeology. He has published widely on each of these areas and on a host of key issues of south Asian archaeology. India: An Archaeological History (2001), The Archaeology and Ancient Indian Cities (1995), Ancient Bangladesh (1992), and The Early Use of Iron in India (1992) are some of his works published by OUP. His forthcoming publication is Archaeological Geography of the Ganga Plain: The Upper Ganga (Oudh, Rohilkhand and the Doab).

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Bibliographic information

Title Nation First: Essays in the Politics of Ancient Indian Studies (Including an Analysis of the CAG Report on the Archaeological Survey of India)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 29.08.2014
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788173055263
length xviii+312p., Index; 15cm x 22cm.