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Advances in Earth Sciences, Volume 1

S.K. Tandon (Author) A.R. Bhattacharya (Author) Satish C. Tripathi (Author)

The Advances in Earth Sciences is an annual book series consisting selected technical papers of the quarterly e-Journal Earth Science India volume-I, 2008. The Earth Science India (ESI) was launched during the international year of planet earth (2008) with a view to enhance communication between earth scientists of India and their peers from other parts of the world. The book series encompasses research/review papers addressed to all the domains of earth sciences-geology, geophysics, atmospheric and environmental sciences and thus providing a common platform to enhance multidisciplinary researches. It is a publication of The Society of Earth Scientists (SES)

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About the authors

A.R. Bhattacharya

Prof. A.R. Bhattacharya, Centre study in Geology, University of Lucknow, is well known structural geologist. A Humbodtian and a renowned teacher, Prof. Bhattacharya has published more than 76 internationally acclaimed research papers, one of these , in Tectnophysics, was selected as “Top 25 hottest Papers” by Elsevier. Prof. Bhattacharya received a number of prestigious awards and honours and was also Guest Professor at Gottingen University and Aachen University of Technology, Germany.

Satish C. Tripathi

Satish C. Tripathi is Honorary Editor of Earth Science India and Secretary, The Society of Earth Scientist (SES). His main area of research are Precambrian geology of Lower Himalaya and Central India and dinosaur fossil bearing Cretaceous sequences of Narmada Valley. He has carried out extensive field work in Central India and Extra-peninsular region. Dr. tripathi also led an expedition in the higher reaches of Himachal himalaya. He has about 32 research papers to his credit, in international and national journals. Dr. Tripathi is at present working with the Geological Survey of India.

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Bibliographic information

Title Advances in Earth Sciences, Volume 1
Format Hardcover
Date published: 25.09.2009
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8189304666
length xiiv+290p., Figures; Maps; B/w Plates; Color Plates; 25cm.