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Picturing India: People, Places and The World of The East India Company

John McAleer (Author)

The British engagement with India was an intensely visual one. Images of the subcontinent, produced by artists and travellers in the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century heyday of the East India Company, reflect the increasingly important role played by the Company in Indian life. And they mirror significant shifts in British policy and attitudes towards India.

The Company’s story is one of wealth, power, and the pursuit of profit. It changed what people in Europe ate, what they drank, and how they dressed. Ultimately, it laid the foundations of the British Raj.

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Bibliographic information

Title Picturing India: People, Places and The World of The East India Company
Author John McAleer
Format Hardcover
Date published: 26.09.2017
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher Niyogi Books
Language: English
isbn 9788193393543
length 224p., 131 Col; Photographs and 3 Maps.