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Hazard Ecology: Approaches and Techniques

B W Pandey (Editor)
Synopsis Hazards are phenomena that post threat to people structures of economic assets and which may cause a disaster. The phenomenon of hazards are caused by biological, geological seismic, hydrological or meteorological conditions or processes in the natural environment. Environmental hazard identifications searches the patterns in the interface between the natural environment and human society, involving threatening vents and consequences. Today, society relies on science and technology, remote sensing and G.I.S. for reduction of risk from hazards.

The book is an outcome of the valuable contributions made by eminent scientists and research scholars who have been striving to develop alternative strategies, solutions and tools for environmental hazard identification and mitigation through research, screening monitoring and diagnosis varying form regional to global level. This book presents an integrated study of environmental hazards, problems, connections and solutions. The three integrated themes in this volume are-hazard's spatial distribution, risk assessment and approaches and techniques for mitigation. This edition would be of immense use to the policy-makers, environmentalists, ecologists, academician research scholars and people in general concerned with hazard, ecology and environment.
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About the author

B W Pandey

B.W. PANDEY (b. 1967) received his M. Phil and Ph.D. degree in Geography from Delhi School of Economics, Department of Geography, University of Delhi. He is currently Senior Lecturer of Geography, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (Eve.), University of Delhi. He has to his credit 3 books and 30 research papers/articles published in different Books and Journals of repute.

He has received Young Geographers Award of NAGI (2000), Host and Travel Grant from United Nations University (UNU), Tokyo and International Geographical Union (IGU) 1996 and 2000. He has also received UNESCO Paris Young Scientist Financial Grant 2001. He has received CIDA-SICI Project Fellowship for hazard zone mapping fieldwork in British Columbia, Canada 1995. He has widely travelled and attended International conferences in Hong Kong, Nepal, Great Britain, Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, France, Germany, Sweden and USA. Dr. Pandey has specialisation in Environmental Studies, Natural Resources Management and Disaster Management. He is joint Secretary of NAGI and Convenor of NAGI Commission on "Natural Resources and Hazard Management".

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Bibliographic information

Title Hazard Ecology: Approaches and Techniques
Author B W Pandey
Format Hardcover
Date published: 10.12.2010
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8183241050
length xxiii+392p., Illustrations; Maps; 22cm.