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Homeopathy in the Curing of Psychological Problems

E.L. Cotter (Author) H.T. Cotter (Author)

This book is derived from our major work - The Curings from Colds to cancer - a lay home reference on homeopathy.  We decided to break the big book into "bite sized" pieces, in part, to make it affordable and convenient to those who want to know about homoeopathy, and who might wish to apply its healing principles right away.  We also realized that our reader’s interest might be limited to a specific topic within the literature.  However, we have put in a lot of remedies to satisfy the professional clinicians need to isolate the exact remedy for those needing professional care.  It is our hope that this book, along with the others in this series, will introduce other people like us to this safe, effective, alternative medicine and lead to their education and beneficial experiences in this healing science.  As far as possible, this volume was written to "stand alone" and serve the readers in selecting the proper homeopathic remedy for almost every serious mental and emotional ailment.

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Bibliographic information

Title Homeopathy in the Curing of Psychological Problems
Format Softcover
Date published: 29.05.2002
Edition 2nd ed.
Language: English
isbn 8174670602
length ii+x+130p., Index; 22cm.