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Developmental Physical Education

Satish Sonkar (Author)
Synopsis From formal exercises for therapeutic applications in hospitals and rehabilitation centers the domain of physical education has undergone a transition and has acquired educational and developmental roles in schools and colleges. The programme of physical education envisions conditioning of activities for physical fitness, strengthening and stretching exercises for improvement of posture and stamina and guidance for physical, mental, social, emotional and psychological adjustment of individual through proper motivation for full and enthusiastic participation in developmental physical education. Developmental physical education makes a thorough investigation into historical perspectives, concepts, objectives, methodologies, functions and programme of developmental aspects of physical development. In addition, to make matter explicit, case study approach is also included. The book also includes exercises for physically handicapped. The book will be of great utility to students, teachers, fitness-experts and general readers.
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About the author

Satish Sonkar

Satish Sonkar holds masters degree in Sociology and Physical Education from Jiyaji niversity, Gwalior. He started his career as a teacher in physical education in Schools of Delhi. He improved his career and rose to the status of Deputy Director of physical Education. He has participated in many national and international events as an organiser. He is considered to be an authority in national games. He organises special groups for the Republic Day parade on 26th January every years. He has many books to his credit.

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Bibliographic information

Title Developmental Physical Education
Author Satish Sonkar
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher ABD Publishers
Language: English
isbn 8189011952
length vii+271p., Tables; Figures; Index; 23cm.
Subjects Sports