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Developments in Drugs and Pharmaceutical Technology

J. Mishra (Editor)

This publication deals with the problems on the development of new medicines and herbal formulations from natural products and traditional drugs, technology transfer in bulk drugs manufacture through horizontal or vertical mechanism preferably through joint venture between the companies in the developing world, quality management, R&D on tropical diseases, bio-evaluation of drug molecules (in vitro and in vivo), provision and implications of TRIPS for drugs, manufacturing facilities and standards and modern methods of screening of natural products for developing new bioactives. Statues of the development of drugs and pharmaceuticals in some of the developing countries, viz., Bangaladesh, Egypt, India, Iraq, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nepal, Syria and Zambia is also included in the publication.

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Bibliographic information

Title Developments in Drugs and Pharmaceutical Technology
Author J. Mishra
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170353300
length xiv+324p., Figures, Tables; Col. plates; 26cm.